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Making a Dynamic WordPress HTML Archive Sitemap with Clean Archives Reloaded Plug-in

Making a HTML Archive Sitemap is very important for WordPress since it lets users find your older posts easier and it can also be used by search engines to index your website Faster. It is a good Search Engine Optimization and Visitor Optimization option to include a sitemap with websites, so Search Engine bots, and visitors know where to go to navigate to a certain page on your site or blog.

Clean Archives Reloaded Plug-in makes a HTML based page for WordPress. It makes a list of all the posts on your page and organize them by date.

The current month is collapse, and the previous months are un-collapse, but you can also collapse the previous months manually by clicking Expand All or manually clicking on the previous months. The plug-in uses Java script to allow the Archive to be collapsible, so the visitor does not have to install a third party plugin like flash to use the sitemap archive.

The Plug-in also tells you how many posts are in each months, and how many comments there are for each post within the months.

Clean Archive Reloaded is also very efficient, so it will not lag your MySQL server with a lot of MySQL queries.

See Clean Archive Reloaded in action at johnsonyip.com/Wordpress/website-map

Clean Archive Reloaded Screen shot

Download Clean Archive Reloaded at wordpress.org/extend/plugins/clean-archives-reloaded

To install the plugin, read my How to install plugins in WordPress Blog software tutorial.

To insert your new Archive into a new page,

Make a new page:


into your new page and then name and save your new page something like Sitemap or Archive.

Congratulations, now you have a archive section on your WordPress blog which makes it easier for both humans and search engines to find your older posts on your WordPress blog.

2 comments… add one
  • Shruti July 15, 2010, 2:46 pm

    Hi there,

    Nice tutorial. I tried this plug in, but the archives page shows me a list of pages, authors and categories as well. is there a way to specify that the archives should only show one category/sub categories, not pages/authors/etc?

  • Johnson Yip July 15, 2010, 4:49 pm

    I’m not sure, I think it is best to contact the developer of the plug-in for Clean Archive reloaded.

    The settings for it are very basic, and there seems to be no setting for what you want it to do.

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