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Making an NSlookup Batch file for Windows Command prompt video

Batch files are like shortcut files which make working in the command-prompt a lot faster since batch files automate most of the typing. All you have to do is click the file and it execute a bunch of commands in CMD automatically.

Batch file code for notepad.exe

@echo off

Save the file as NSlookup.bat and pick “All files” in the save as type box.

NSlookup is a program which runs in Windows Command prompt. It is used to look up the IP. address of an Domain name server’s name server . NSlookup  stands for Name server look up. What you can use the IP. address for. You can use it to ping a website in CMD by typing.

Ping IP address

in CMD.

If you can ping the address with the IP, most likely your DNS service or server is down, and you need to switch to another DNS server address like Google DNS or in your network adapter properties.

If you notice faster load times by using a website IP address then it means your DNS server is slow and you need to replace it with a faster one in your network address properties.

Doing an NSlookup is also a fun thing to do when you are bored since have you ever wonder what the IP address of Google was? Now you can by using NSlookup.

3 comments… add one
  • Jane Levington May 26, 2011, 1:56 am

    As I read this blog, I have learned a lot of things about computers. It also tackles about batch files. Thank you for sharing it. I am sure many will read this.

  • casey@weightlossafterpregnancy June 15, 2011, 2:02 am

    I have learned that these batch files are just like shortcut files which make working in the command-prompt a little bit faster because batch files automate most of the typing.

  • Johnson Yip June 15, 2011, 3:26 pm

    Indeed, Casey, Batch files are good for making multiple folders or deleting multiple folders since they automate the process by running a batch files.

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