I found a very simple, and effective gadget for Windows 7 and Vista sidebar gadgets. It is called File Shredder which is a widget which runs on your desktop. It is simple to use and fast. All you do is drag your sensitive documents you do not need anymore to the shredder Gadgets and click yes for the confirmation pop-up window, and file shredder does all the hard work.
Download it at :: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/downloads/personalize/gadgets (it seems Microsoft deleted the gadget, so I recommend you just use a File Shredder on another program like Advance System Care 5, etc)
You can even configure it to over write your files up to 10 times.
If you need a real file shredder for your paper documents get this one:: Sisco SC041BP Protector 4-Sheet Cross Cut Paper Shredder
I have been searching everywhere for this info. I have just bookmarked you fantastic site, and hope to see more soon
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