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Opera Mini 7, Mobile12 Best Web Browser for Basic Text image websites on Mobile devices

I have been using mostly Opera Mini 7 on my Kobo Vox eReader Tablet, and it is my favorite web browser because it is simple, clean, fast, and feature rich.

I like Opera Turbo which compresses images and HTML code to a smaller size at Opera’s server, and send it back to your tablet, smart phone, eReader, or cell phone, so it loads faster, and use less bandwidth, so if you are on a mobile data plan you are less likely to overuse the bandwidth, and be throttled down, or pay expensive bandwidth overage fee. Opera Mini can also make it possible for you to use free mobile internet from NetZero which offers 200MB free a month when you buy their mobile hotspot device.

I usually set the Image compression to low, so I also save space when storing images on my tablet. By loading smaller images which are compress, you also save bandwidth since they are smaller to download. You also might notice a performance boost if your phone or tablet has 256MB or less RAM since images which are compress use less RAM , and CPU power to load and display.  By using less bandwidth, your battery life might be slightly better since downloading can use a lot of bandwidth.

Opera Mini and Mobile is simple to download, install, and use. You can download it from Amazon, Google Play, Apple Apps Store, GetJar, and even directly from Opera.com website.

For Android, all you do is download the APK file for Opera Mini or Mobile, and open it in your download folder in Android with your web browser, or file manager, and agree to Opera’s permission by clicking next, and wait for it to finish. Next you click Open, and agree to Opera Terms of Service, and can start using Opera Mini or Mobile to browse the web faster, and more easily on a mobile device.

Opera Mini 7 has the ability to save more speed dial bookmarks on its homepage which means that once you save your favourite links to the homepage speed dial. You will never have to type in the link in the address bar again since you just tap on the speed dial button for the website you want to visit. It is also very easy to organize your speed dial by moving them to the top or bottom, or deleting unused speed dials which you don’t visit much.

Opera Mini 7 also has a nice user interface which is similar to a desktop browser user interface with a back, forward, reload, and stop button toolbar at the bottom, and a Address and search bar on the top navigation bar. You can also use the address bar to search like on a desktop browser.

I like Opera Mini 7 more then the default Android web browser, and other web browsers for Android. However, Opera Mini does not support Adobe Flash, HTML5 websites, and other websites with lots of scripts.

Opera Mobile 12 is similar to Opera Mini since you can turn on Opera Turbo in the settings if you like, and it also has a back, forward, address, search, stop, refresh and other features found in Opera Mini. But, Opera Mobile also supports Adobe Flash, HTML5 video, HTML5 games, Web Apps, and other types of websites which Opera Mini does not support. The speed dial thumbnail pictures also seem to load a little faster in Opera Mobile 12.

I notice M.youtube.com and other mobile video website do not work in Opera Mobile, so I just usually use the default Android Web Browser, or another web browser when I want to watch video.

But, I rarely watch video on mobile devices since videos uses up a lot of battery power, and bandwidth, and I rather watch video on TV, monitors, and bigger screen devices, so Opera Mini and Mobile is good enough for most of my basic tasks like web browsing on mobile, and desktop websites and blogs which typically only display content in text, html, and picture format which all display very quickly in Opera Mini and Mobile when Opera Turbo is turned On.

I also like the user interface for Opera. The Black Theme looks very nice, and the buttons are big and clear enough that I rarely press the wrong button with my finger, or stylus. Opera also supports text zoom in and out to make reading easier, and pinch to zoom to more easily zoom in on objects on a website to have a bigger view of it, and make it easier to read.

Opera’s web browser also is very stable it rarely crashes and freezes, and I like that I can turn on the Exit button for the browser in the menu, so I can quickly exit the browser very quickly.

Opera mini and mobile is one of the best web browser for Android, iOS, and other mobile devices for displaying text and image based static websites because Opera Mini is simple, fast, feature rich, and stable to use.

Here is a cool short video which explains how compression can save you money when using Opera Mini and Mobile by squezing/compressing data to make it smaller, so your ISP won’t charge you overage fees, or you can subscribe to a free or lower data limit and save money by using and buying less data per month.

3 comments… add one
  • carbohydrates list April 7, 2012, 1:56 am

    Opera try to reach level firefox

  • Johnson Yip April 7, 2012, 5:45 pm

    Opera Mini has a larger “Mobile” web browser share then Firefox for Google Android which only recently came out.

    Opera Mobile and Mini web browsers is still the fastest web browsers which I tried for Google Android because it has Opera Turbo which compresses and sends data to my tablet, so I need to download less data making website downloada faster.

    Firefox for Android starts up kind of slow, and froze Android a few times where I have to do a hard restart by holding down the power button on my Tablet to turn it off because Firefox made it froze.

    Opera is trying to be the best alternative browser if Google Chrome, Apple Safari, IE 9, and IE 10 (when Windows 8 comes out) continues taking market share away from Firefox then in a few years Opera and FireFox might be at the same level where they both can compete for the 1-2% of the worlds web browser population.

  • Travesti. April 13, 2012, 2:10 am

    Opera Mini is a web browser designed primarily for mobile phones, smartphones and personal digital assistants. Until version 4 it used the Java ME platform, requiring the mobile device to run Java ME applications. From version 5 it is also available as a native application for Android, iOS, Symbian OS, and Windows Mobile.

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