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Blekko.com Newer Search Engines uses /backslashes to stop bad results search faster

Blekko.com lets you use /backslashes also called /slash tags to slash out spammy sites, and non-important sites to you. You can also click the spam button to hide sites which you find spammy forever.

If you add /date to the end of your search like blekko /date . It will sort your results by newer dates.

Halo /images  will return back image results for the term Halo.

cats /videos  will return video results for cats.

I notice there seem to be fewer user generated content sites like eHow, About.com, and similar sites in Blekko which can be a good thing or bad if you prefer getting info from a user rather then a site like Microsoft.com or more famous writer.

Blekko also claims to remove spam, content farms, and malware like virus, spyware, and bad programs which can mess up your PC.

If you type fish /monte  into Blekko you will get results from Google, Bing, and Blekko, and when you click on the results, the name of the search engine shows up, and Blekko shows which sites are banned in Blekko Search if they are found in the Google, or Bing results.




You can also check out a website’s search engine,  website and link data by typing in /seo after the domain name of a websites domain.

blekko.com /seo

The user interface for Blekko also very clean with no advertising currently, and simple to read results. I also like the favicon/site logo on the left of each search result since it makes it easy for me to recognize the site by logo.

The auto-suggestions are also pretty cool since they have slashtags with related tags like fish farming /ecology  when I search for fish farming.

Members can also create slash tags, and use premade slash tag which Blekko and the user community already made, or have fun and use Slashtag of the day from the right sidebar.

In related news, Yandex (Russia’s biggest search engine) also invested 30 Million dollar in Blekko according to Blekko Blog

Start searching blekko.com with slash tags to slash out the spam, content farms, and malware infected websites today!

1 comment… add one
  • Nicolas Bouliane November 19, 2011, 12:20 am

    Not the catchiest name to go by, but I like the idea.

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