In this video, learn how to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS without making any permanent changes to your partitions on your hard drive by using Oracle Virtual Box to emulate Ubuntu within Windows and other host Operating systems like Apple/Mac, or another Linux distro.
I will teach you step by step on how to install Ubuntu, and install VirtualBox guest additions for improve desktop performance on to your virtual machine. I will also show you how to change the background and themes on your Ubuntu desktop.
I’ll also show you how to install Adobe Flash Player on to Ubuntu with Ubuntu Software Center, so you can watch Youtube videos in Ubuntu Linux.
The advantages of using a virtualization software like Virtual Box, Vmware, Virtual PC, Qemu, etc is that it is 100% safe, and you won’t risk losing your files because you messed up your partitions or you installed Ubuntu on the wrong partition and accidental installed it on your Windows partition. Virtual Box OS  files are also very easy to back up all you do is copy your hard drive files to an external drive. It is also very easy to delete Ubuntu from your Virtual Box Hard drive, so if you do not like Ubuntu , all you have to do is right click the Virtual box hard drive for Ubuntu and click delete.
The disadvantage of using Virtual Box is it is slower then running Ubuntu on a dedicated hard drive, and some of the 3D and graphics capabilities don’t work on Ubuntu. If your host operating system is broken, then you can’t use Ubuntu in Virtual Box. It is also very easy to delete a Virtual Box hard drive, so if you accidental delete it., your entire Ubuntu OS is gone.
During the Ubuntu install on Virtual box, I recommend you close all your un-needed programs like Office suites, games, and web browsers since they take up a lot of system resources like RAM and CPU cycles. Your install of Ubuntu will go faster if it has more system resources available during install.
Download Ubuntu:
Download VirtualBox: