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Video of my fully customized Windows 7 desktop


See how much you can customize your boring desktop to make it more fun with varies programs like RocketDock, Rainmeter, Stardock Deskscape, Instant storm, Bump Top, Windows Live Gadgets/widgets, etc.

Rain meter

Rocket Dock

Live Gadgets

Virtuawin Virtual desktops

Iconized add-on for Virtuawin

Stardock Desk Scape

Instant Storm Screen Saver maker


Mario Bumptop theme

More information on customizing your Windows PC available at my playlist on customizing windows on my Youtube channel.


visit my new section Windows Appearance customization on this blog.

I hope you have fun customizing your Windows Desktop and making it your own to reflect your personality and interests rather then others!

4 comments… add one
  • Andy February 25, 2010, 7:55 pm

    Wow! That is crazy. Feel free to share your customization tips at http://www.facebook.com/windowscanada

    Windows Canada Outreach

  • Johnson Yip February 25, 2010, 9:45 pm

    Thanks, Andy,

    I joined your Facebook Group.

  • TimothSKTOP IS y Perdue February 1, 2011, 2:44 pm

    OH MY WORD! YOUR DEKTOP IS AMAZING!!! You know you could market that stuff preeeeeety well! Har har har har. (=-D

  • Johnson Yip February 1, 2011, 4:24 pm

    Indeed, the companies who made Rocketdock, Rainmeter, etc can market this stuff very well. But, sadly most of these companies which make these software for customizing Windows 7 desktop don’t have a lot of money to market their software since they’re freeware, shareware, open source, or don’t have a lot of revenue like Microsoft to spend on advertising.

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