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How to Optimize a Blog or Website for your readers and search engines SEO tutorial

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Learn how I optimized my blog to make my readers find articles that they are interested in more easier, and how I optimize this blog, so search engines can index my site faster, and give my blog a higher search rank when people search on my site with their favourite search engine like Google.

Spent the last few days optimizing this blog with new categories, improving descriptions for posts, and categories. I also shorten my blog posts on the front page with the <!–more–> WordPress HTML tag.

The appearance of this blog have not changed much. If you read my blog on a regular basis, you might notice I shorten the blog posts on the front page by using the <!–more–> WordPress HTML tag. It is the button with the two white  squares and dash line in the centre on the WYSIWYG editor in WordPress. Now when you read my blog. It will load faster because there are fewer pictures and text that have to load when you read my front page, but you have to press the “read more” link to read the full story. This saves users a lot of time by not have to scroll their mouse as much to reach the button of my blog.

If you want your tag to say something different instead of the default “Read the rest of this entry..”, you have to go in to the HTML vies and edit the <!–more– > tag with a space between the “<!–more” and the ” –>”.

<!–more Learn how I optimized my blog for Search Engines–>

will produce a link like this:

 Learn how I optimize my blog for Search Engines

I also added a few extra categories to my blog, so now if you want to search for certain articles. For example, You can just click on the Operating System Category instead of searching through all my post for  Software tutorials for my blog articles related to OSes. I also added descriptions to my categories, so you know what the category is about before clicking on the link.

For example, my  new and improve Operating Systems Category. Now users can find post relating to their favourite OS faster and easier.

Operating Systems

I spent some time optimizing some of my Meta tag titles, description, and keywords for some of my blog posts to make them more descriptive, but not overly wordy. It is best to have around 10 keywords. Plus, most of the major search engines do not really care about keywords these days according to videos I watch on Google’s youtube channel. I fixed a few descriptions for my links. I installed a sitemap plugin for WordPress, so I can easily make a sitemap for search engines to use to make it easier for the search engine bots to index my site on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.  

I also modified some of my Anchor  Text for my links which where not very descriptive. Plus, the alternate text which is the text that pop ups when you hover your mouse pointer over a link with ALT text.

For example, Instead of click here , I made the Anchor text say Johnson Yip Windows Tutorials . 

I  added descriptive ALT text to some of my images .

For example, when you put your mouse pointer over this picture it will say “Red Balloon ”

Red Balloon on a thin string

Red Balloon

 Other search engine optimization tips I am using includes trying my best to write more descriptive posts, so search engines can more easily scan through my posts and know what it is about. This also let users understand my posts easier by being less vague, and more descriptive. If I write good articles, more people will want to link to my articles. This makes my SEO better, and improve credibility with readers and the online community when more people are willing to quote my articles. The best type of links are one way links. One way links are links that are not created  because of a  post exchange. For example, If  I link to website, it is a one way because I did not contact the website for a post exchange. I just link to a website because it is awesome.  I decided to make this blog mostly about computer software, cms, operating system and hardware that the average to intermediate person use instead of blogging about too many topics like rocket science, super computers, main frames, UNIX, etc. Although, they are fun topics. I just don’t have a lot of time to cover them all to go very in depth with them, so I decided to blog mostly about consumer level computer, gadgets, software, etc. This also makes user more likely to stay since they are more likely to find more articles they are interested in if they like some other articles I wrote. I also read online that search engines like websites that stick to one specific topics and don’t try to cover every topic possible. I try my best to stick to my niche of “Consumer level computer hardware, software, and online software”.

Write articles for other website, and ask if you can put your link on the article, so you have a one way link from their website.

Submit your articles to Ezines a long with a link, so people will use your articles and link back to your website.

Using good grammar spelling will also help make your website more popular since it looks more professional. WordPress and many other CMSes has a spell check, so you should use it and proof read your articles before you click the publish button. 

If you build your website right, they will come.

“No cheesy animated gif, and  Midi background music unless your website is about animated gif and midi background music”

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