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password protect your routor with WPA, and a password.
 You have to go to your routors website which usually have a address similar to “Check your routor’s brand website or instructions booklet or CD” . The default password to login to website is usually Username: admin Password: admin

My routor has a link called Wireless and a sublink called security where I can set my password and encryption type for wireless. I recommend you use WPA or WPA 2 since WEP is not as secure as WPA & WPA2

password protect your routor with WPA, and a password.

password protect your routor with WPA, and a password.

If you still have the Instructions Booklet or CD that came with the Routor, you might be able to learn how to set up a password for your routor. Also, turning off SSID broadcast, enabling MAC filtering will help.
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