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Can’t Log on to Windows XP Pro after turning off Welcome Centre and fast switching off in User Accounts in control panel

Locked out of Windows XP after turning off automatic login

Locked out of Windows XP after turning off automatic login

I recently had a problem logging on when I turned Windows Welcome Centre Off in User Accounts in the control panel after installing XP. The problem was not being able to log on with my user name. I write my solution on how I was able to log on again.

The error Message I got was: “The System can not log you on make sure your user name and domain are correct then type your password again. Letters in password must be typed using the correct case” when I tried to lo gin.

Solution to the error: I typed in my user name, but I left my password text box blank and pressed  enter. Windows does not assign a password to the first account by default, so typing in the password for the account called Administrator will just make the error message listed above to be displayed.

You should be able to log in to Windows now, but you should go into Control Panel, and click on the user accounts icon. Click your user account. Click on the link labeled “Create Password” . Type in your password, and verify your password then type your password hint.  Click Create Password button, and press “Yes, make private” button to hide your files from limited non-admin users.

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